To create a guide file report, XTND must be installed. The guide file is open in another application. Close it before compiling. The .sym file for this guide file was created with an older version of Guide Maker and can’t be used. No .sym file was found for this guide file, or the .sym file can't be opened. Failed to successfully set up new guide file. Can’t open text file to be interpreted. Trying to do an options dialog without a guide file. The Interpreter has not been written yet. Failed to convert old guide file. Failed to get DBInfo. Failed to set DBInfo. Data field can’t be nil. ResType must be four characters. DBScope must be four characters. Key can’t be the null string. Resource ID can’t be zero. Failed to load guide file. Failed to dump guide file. Failed to delete data. Failed to delete index. Failed to store data. Failed to add index. Failed to reduce phrase. Failed to open Resource Writer. Failed to open Index Writer. Failed to open new DB during create. Failed to create new DB.